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There are so many ways to meditate

As a principle meditation is concentration

If you concentrate when reading a book, it's meditation

If you concentrate when eating, it's meditation

If you concentrate when making love, it's meditation

And if you concentrate when going through all over the body, With the thought that come by- you deal

You rap them together, recycle them and project them internal and external.

Sometimes the whole deal is why should you move?

On one hand- change is the only steady movement

On the other hand – steady movement happens also when staying still/ That is sometime the difference between restlessness and clear consciousness.

Both are movements one that has an echo or one which has pure sounds.

There are some herbal remedies which help you get into meditation:

Support the center will be given to those with a weak earth that wonder with thoughts

Calm spirit will be given to those who their fire threatens to disturb the

Water, those suffer from anxiety and insomnia.

Will be given to those who ask for strengths and courage to walk their path, and to those who need food and welfare after suffering from illness, hard work, pregnancy or in the beginning of a journey.


Seated/Tal Bello There is a path for the who asks to be seated he should cross his legs, as soft bottoms kissing hard platform

And sit, just sit

Sitting, for the sake of sitting

And if his heart expired, or he yens to get up

If it is torment, or urge if it is a ray of light delusion he shell ask what for?

And will ask for his self perhaps tomorrow?

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